Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Another day, another dollar

I don't have any food photos today... oops! Basically my day consisted of waking up, getting in a nice little 45min jog, then going to work! Although, my friend at work and I did get in a brisk walk over lunch (we were mall walkers! We went to the big OC and walked for about 30min... even broke a sweat!). I came home I had to bake some goodies for a special birthday at work tomorrow... I managed to scrape by with just licking a few spoons when all was said and done (much less than I usually do). I have already made lunch for tomorrow and done the dishes... now I wait for 9pm Biggest Loser! I don't know if I'll make it the full 2 hours tonight... staying up until 11pm is hard for me.

Here's what I ate today...
Breakfast: oatmeal (2)
Post jog: protein smoothie (3)
Lunch: 1/2c quinoa (2), salsa (0), black beans (1), corn (0), 1/4c ff cottage cheese (1)... yogurt (2), cucumbers in vinegar and sea salt (0)
Snack: apple pie larabar (4)
Baking snacking: licking spoons... (?2), cheese string (1)
Dinner:... didn't feel like eating anything but had 1/2c cottage cheese and pepper (2)
Total: 20
Water: 6L - that's right!! Lemon water!

I have one photo I haven't posted... it's my new berry protein smoothie... one day it whipped up so much it was cool.

Happy Hump Day!

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