Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I'm so tired! You know why? Because it was my first morning getting up early all week... and I managed a jog! Shin pain and all (sucks having to 'recondition' those shins of mine).

No walk at lunch.... I had to skip lunch and leave early for my doctor's appointment. I really am lucky to have the doctor I have. I got in to the exam room on time and then waited 5-10min to see my doctor... and she came in apologizing profusely for keeping me waiting and explaining about a mix up they had with scheduling... she is so sweet! She smiles and is so gentle and friendly... Man, I hope she NEVER retires!! I don't think she's older than 50 (maybe 45), so I'm sure I have many years left with her. Here's hoping!

So, food was wonky today...
BF - apple (1)
Lunch - turkey breast (1) w/ mustard (0), yogurt (1), apple (1)
Snack - key lime larabar (4), almonds (2)
Dinner - turkey breast and mustard (1)... but that didn't hit the spot so I had a whole bowl full of kashi (8) w/ milk (2)
Total: 21
Water: 4L plus a decaf dessert tea

Tomorrow won't be favourable... but it's already on to next week!!!

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