Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Bear with me

I AM ON VACATION!!!  I am officially off until January 4th!  (well, unless you count job #2… but I choose not to today).

I ran around and did a lot of shopping after work. I didn’t feel like blogging tonight. I just realized, however, that I want to SUCCEED this holiday season… and blogging (and being accountable to YOU, faithful reader) is part of the recipe for success.

Today started out with some pumpkin pie oats (2), then a granny smith (1)

Lunch was at Montana's with the girls from my dept at work.  I didn’t take photos… but luckily I had the same thing I’ve had before. Pretty food!


Chicken breast (4) on a little whole wheat bun (2) with some veggies and guacamole (2) on it.  Also, baked potato (3) with salsa on the side (0)

Dinner was popcorn (3)… I know… boring. I wasn’t sure what to have and didn’t want to eat much!  NOW, if I’m going to succeed I must be honest… I ate a little chocolate that was given to me today with a Christmas card (2 at the most) and a candy cane (1)… plus there was an afternoon snack of a Larabar (4)

Total: 24

Happy Hump Day to all!

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