Monday, August 04, 2008

Sacred Heart, day one: Fruit and Soup

Okay, so I'm done day one. How am I feeling? In a word - HUNGRY. I was doing well, eating lot's of fruit... until I saw an episode of "Friends" and they ate pizza. I would like some pizza. I've had a headache all day but don't know that I can blame the diet because I've had the headache since yesterday. I've felt tired, but it's hard to say if that was just me being lazy on my day free of commitments (something typical for me). I have been peeing a LOT... maybe it's due to retaining water yesterday after all the soy sauce I had with my 'all you can eat' sushi buffet!

Here's what I ate:
breakfast - fruit salad with strawberries and raspberries (1), blueberries (1), grapes (1) and cherries (1)
lunch - soup (0), watermelon (1), 1c skim milk (2), unsweetened apple/grape sauce (1)
snack - unsweetened apple/pomegranate sauce (1), unsweetened applesauce (1), 2c. unsweetened cranberry juice (4)
dinner - soup (0), grapes (1), cherries (1), blueberries (1)
Total points = 17

Here's some stats on the day:
Calories - 1102, fibre - 37g, sugars - 194g, carbs - 280g (which is actually over my daily recommended amount, thanks fruit!), sodium - 2186g, cholesteral - 5mg, fat - 2mg.

Sooo... I almost got the daily recommended calories in, got more than enough fibre and sugar and carbs than I really need, and was way under in fat.

I can't wait for tomorrow and have some vegetables. Not sure what I'll do about breakfast though! I'll figure that one out after my "Jon and Kate Plus 8".

For now, I leave you with some photos of my food today. Did I mention I got a LOVELY new camera courtesy of my LOVELY boyfriend (as an early birthday gift!). It's a Nikon P5100 and I am in LOVE with it. NO taking this one to a bachelorette party and dropping it!!!!

Breakfast fruit salad:




Fruit bowl after dinner:

Cranberry juice:

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