Wednesday, November 07, 2007


This week is a write-off... I think I just have to move on and look forward to doing well next week.

I have headaches every day... my guess is it's the change in weather. I had this last year at this time actually.

I'm exhausted... (or lazy? I honestly can't tell the difference right now. Is it psychological or physical?)

I think i'll take some advil and see if I can't at least get for a walk on the treadmill during America's next top model. I hope my headache goes away. It's killing me!

After the treadmill I shall make my shopping list for the weekend!!!

I still want grease. I'm still resisting.

food pictures courtesy of The Food Pornographer

*Update at 8:35pm. My headache is not going away. I have decided tonight I shall take it easy and lie on the couch. Ship happens and this one has sailed. Next week will be different*

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