Monday, October 06, 2008

So long, farewell dear weekend...

Another weekend has come and gone... but at least Monday is over with now as well!

Would you like the good news or bad first?

I can give you the bad news in one photo:

That would be my cake truffle tower. I ate about half of those. Okay, not really... but I ate far too many. I hosted a bridal shower at mom and dad's yesterday and while I didn't eat any square meals the whole day... I snack (which, as we all know, can be twice as deadly as eating big meals).

The good news is my TREADMILL IS FIXED! I have a bit of an aggravating cough happening but I'm still hoping to give it a try (the treadmill) in the morning!

Because of my cough I've had a headache and lack of appetite today. This is (sadly) all I've eaten:
Breakfast: nothing
Lunch: cup a soup (1), tuna (2)
Dinner: tuna (2)
Water: 5L (I am seeking relief for my dry throat through crystal light)

Back to the 4&7 plan this week!

Hmmm... maybe I should start coming up with a solid PLAN this week for surviving Thanksgiving dinners next weekend!

RIP Monday... Happy Tuesday to all!

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