Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I am strong!

First, I have to say... it's the night before weigh in and I have a package of giant chewy nerds on my coffee table that is SCREAMING out for me... but I am resisting. Let me tell you, it's damn hard too!! They're jelly bean centers with nerd candy shells. So good. BUT alas, I am fighting it. They will be more rewarding tomorrow night after weigh in! You can find them at party packagers... but I haven't seen them anywhere else.
I am exhausted tonight. I spent the morning at SickKids and then the afternoon and evening out in Whitby at the office. I got home at 8:30 and have fought to stay awake since then (so I could watch Workout)... now, I am going to bed!

I got on the treadmill this morning (yay!). I don't know if I'll go on tomorrow. If i do, then it'll be 4 days this week. I always struggle with whether jogging the morning of weigh in is good come weigh in time that evening. We'll see what tomorrow brings... maybe just a little jog.

Here's what I ate today:
Breakfast: egg (2), 2 egg whites (0), 30g allegro cheese (1), yogurt (1)
Lunch: 2c hamburger soup (3), celery stalks with 2tbsp PB (4), tomato (0), apple (1), yogurt (1)
Snack: 100 cal smart pop (1)
Dinner: 2c hamburger soup (3), applesauce (1)
Snack: tea (0)
Total: 18 points (should be more, but it's hard to pack enough for lunch AND dinner and I refuse to eat out the day before WI!)
Water: 3L

Time for BED! Good luck tomorrow!!! I hope Tara can find her scale!

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