Sunday, May 30, 2010

Ode to a great weekend

Let’s play a little catch up since I last left you.

I got a new iPhone!  It feels GREAT to have one again. They sold me a brand new one for just over $200. Lesson learned. New iPhone does not go NEAR the toilet or sink.

I decided to pay the 99c and bought a WW app (not an official WW app – you can only get that in the US).  It’s been helping me wonderfully.  Usually I gain a little weight over the weekend but this weekend I have gone DOWN a little.

My cousin (who was a WW leader for a few years but recently quit) and I are going to weigh in together on Thursdays (well, she lives over 2hrs away so we are going to call each other and report our weights).

It’s been a great weekend despite having to work at the other job yesterday.  I DID finally send off my info to my employer to get me my Goodlife membership!  Now… I wait.  I won’t get it until after June 5th (that’s when they cash the cheques).

Here’s some food photos from Friday



Dinner on Friday was Greek food (ordered in).

Yesterday’s food…

Breakfast was a WW thin (1), 2 egg whites (0), some blue menu ketchup (0) and a bowl of berries (2)DSCN6342DSCN6344

And because I was lazy before work… lunch was a fun yogurt I bought (3), another WW thins (1), PB 92) and jam (1)


The yogurt was really yummy… it could very easily be made at home. Vanilla yogurt with a little crushed oreo.  I plan on making it one day!

Dinner was some brown rice (2), channa (2), a veggie salad with cheese (2) and Renee’s Wellness Tuscan dressing (0), followed by pineapple Chobani (3) – pineapple Chobani ROCKSDSCN6356DSCN6357DSCN6358

A snack at work (and shared) was PB filled pretzelsDSCN6359  

And, for fun… here’s some orange nail polish I bought yesterday. I love Nicole by O.P.I.  I have several colours of this brand now and have been changing my toe colour every nightDSCN6347        


On to today…

After sleeping in, enjoying the sun shining through my windows, having a long CALGON bath (hello, I have decided Calgon bubbles FAR out last any other bubbles I’ve ever used! No matter how expensive!)… I had breakfast: WW thin (1) with some jam on half and honey on the other (1 total), followed by some watermelon (1), blackberries and blueberries (1)

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Lunch was at Jack Astor’s. I had a chicken sandwich (guessing 8) with a baked potato and salsa (4)

Dinner was a WW pita (1) with some pizza sauce (0), red onions and capers (0) and cheese (3 total – after pizza and salad), along with spinach/veggie salad (0) with the rest of the cheese (already accounted for) and Renee’s Tuscan dressing (0)

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I realized I didn’t get much protein with dinner so dessert was a protein oat bar thingy – the fruit ones I made earlier last week


I hope everyone has a great week!


Tricia said...

yum, everything looks great!

Bring Pretty Back said...

You ae eating so healthy! And it looks so great! Love the new nail polish color!
Have a pretty night,

Anonymous said...

Yeah for a new iPhone. It's sad to admit but I really don't think I would want to be without my Blackberry for very long. Especially when I'm waiting in a long line. ;)

That oreo yogurt sounds awesome! Good idea that I may try at home as well.