Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I'm alive...

... I just suck right now.

I got discouraged at the fact that no matter how hard i tried for a couple of weeks, i kept gaining weight. now, i'm lacking motivation.

I've decided this will be my last cake class for a while. I can't keep eating cake batter, icing... and final cake products. i need to focus back on my weight loss journey... and maybe NOT have every evening of the week taken up by something. I'll have an evening (or two) off, can exercise, focus on food... and lose weight... maybe? My body seems to hate me regardless.

I'm not giving up... just having a moment here!

Reaching my final goal before the weddings is a lost cause... I'll set a new goal though. 20-30lbs by September would be nice. We'll see I suppose.


Good luck tomorrow to everyone. I am in for yet another gain.

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