Monday, February 01, 2010

Protein Power!

I continue to be amazed at how full I’m feeling eating higher protein!

Keeping it short tonight, gotta get to bed.

I didn’t end up finding the time to exercise today. I was busy all weekend so I found myself needing to organize, clean, prepare food… then I had to go to work. It’s okay though. I’m glad to feel organized. I can’t exercise unless I feel clean/organized.

So, here’s what I ate today

Breakfast: 4 egg whites (1) with blue menu ketchup (0), 1/3c oats (2), 1/2 banana (1), flax, wheat germ, bee pollen (0)

DSCN4626 DSCN4630

Lunch: Annie's shells and white cheddar (5) with broccoli and cauliflower (0)… and a handful of edamame for kicks (0) with 1.5oz chicken breast (2)


I went to work (yay) and had a snack of 1/2c cottage cheese (2) and about 1/2c mixed fruit (0)… and I threw in 1/2scoop vanilla protein powder to make it more like a ‘dessert’ (1)


Dinner at work was a bed of spinach (0) with a whole tin of tuna (3), some mustard, relish and hot pepper relish (0) – YUM!  Followed by the ‘brownie batter’ consisting of 1 scoop chocolate protein powder (2), 1.5tsp almond butter (1), 2tsp almond butter (0)

DSCN4637 the spinach

DSCN4634 the tuna

DSCN4635 the protein

I came home and made tomorrow’s lunch… now I have to quickly do the dishes and call it a night!  I am proud to report I did NOT eat anything when I got home tonight. Thank you protein brownie batter. I am in love!

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