Monday, June 18, 2007

No news yet!

the focus of my life right now has shifted from my weight to waiting to get the call already that Michele is in labour! as you can tell... there has been NOTHING yet!

so, this weekend i was gearing up for a challenge... as typically going home to mom and dad's IS a challenge. i can't seem to resist all the temptations in the candy cupboard or in the pantry there. BUT guess what! this weekend i DID! i ran on the treadmill before going home on saturday AND stayed in my points. yesterday i did use flex points but only for a piece of ice cream cake... so it could be worse i think.

today i am already about to get on the treadmill (then go to work. ugh. i want a day off... i know, i know... i just had a couple of days off AND i have 2 weeks off in a couple of weeks... BUT i want a day to laze around my apartment and be by myself... all of my days off this weekend involved running around and doing stuff... and in a couple of weeks i'm sure i'll be busy every day. if i'm not going to hamilton i know i'll be expected to go to pontypool to visit!). i digress...

i'm already going on the treadmill today and appear to have loads of energy for it thanks to my new best friend:

i didn't make any new food discoveries this weekend... maybe i should make that my goal this week. try something new and point friendly! although frankly all i want lately is fruits, vegetables, and tuna (besides my burning sweet craving that is!!!). i guess my body is gearing up for the fruit and vegetable season that we all like to refer to as SUMMER!!

have a great week everyone!!

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