Saturday, January 14, 2012

Saturday Night Dinner

I love sandwiches.

Tonight I decided to put out a spread for dinner.  Buns, meat plate (piri piri chicken, roasted turkey breast, salami, corned beef and crispy bacon!), cheese, tomato, dill pickles as well as mayo and different mustards.  I also put out chip dip, nacho dip and salads.  There were chips, salsa tortillas and multi grain tortillas.

Did I mention there were only 2 of us?  I ended up putting a lot of containers in the fridge.  This could come in handy for lunches this week!


Somehow we’ve also ended up with these in the house today.  I sure didn’t make them (I’m on a baking strike since Christmas… I need to take a break in order to help get back on the healthy track).

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I admit to eating 2.  But I’ve avoided the ice cream so far!

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