Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Back on Track!

I've been in Pontypool since Saturday. While my food was actually not so bad, my inactivity wasn't great. Sunday was supposed to be a family gathering... but thanks to freezing rain all day and a strike on my family's neck of the woods... my aunt's road was a sheer skating rink. We (mom, dad, kristen, michele, simon, and myself) got about 3 car lengths down the road and realized we never stood a chance making it safely over any hills... so we turned around and went all the way back to Pontypool (we had made it to just north of Cameron!).

I allowed myself 1 piece of cake, and about a million of those lemon whip cream cheese cupcakes.

I did, however, get to see my wonderful nephew (that makes TWICE that I have seen him since Christmas... it sucks they live so far away!).

So, now I'm back. I did 1 tae-bo DVD this afternoon and went on the treadmill for 30min. I'll have to step it up tomorrow and Thursday to get myself ready for WI on thursday!

I'll be back to posting my menus tomorrow!! Tara has inspired me to get back to eating healthier!!! Tomorrow I'm gone to SickKids with Stac and Raven (poor Raven, there is always something wrong with that girl... Maybe because she was a premie? who knows!). She is fine, she has to have testing done to be sure (she's seeing endocrine). I think Thursday I'll make a grocery list and a plan of attack for next week... and conquer all!

I was at costco on friday and bought the Tae Bo DVD set... now I think I might like to go back and buy the Biggest Loser dvd set they had there too. I'll think about that one!!!

Happy Hump day everyone!!

1 comment:

Tara said...

Gettin' back on track is good!! That's what I keep telling myself anyway!
Hope all goes well at SickKids. Poor Raven!
And cheers to a good week :)