Thursday, January 22, 2009

Jeepers Creepers

I was only down 0.8lbs. That's it!!! It's QUITE frustrating... but, I'm not throwing in the towel. On to next week. This IS my bloated week after all... historically I'm up this week of the month... Still, I really was hoping for more after my efforts.

I'm exhausted after being up late last night... I missed Ugly Betty due to falling asleep on the couch. I was supposed to bake cupcakes tonight but I'm taking the afternoon off work tomorrow... so I can bake then!! Tonight, I relax. Actually, i'm taping Grey's in case I fall asleep again... and I can watch it tomorrow. i am enjoying McSteamy's injury though!!!! I enjoy any scene with McSteamy!

Despite only getting 5.5hrs of sleep last night I did still managed to get on the treadmill today. no biggest loser workout tonight though. Today's food consisted of a banana for breakfast... then nothing until my subway tonight, 3 lindor chocolates and a popcorn ball for a total of 22pts. My leader has suggested I increase the protein this week if I continue with so much cardio... maybe I actually didn't eat enough last week considering my activity. Only time will tell... but, I'm not giving up!

GOAL WEIGHT IN 2009!!! Bigger things await a smaller me!!

1 comment:

Tara said...

0.8 is 0.8. It's not a gain. You are moving in the right direction! Some weeks, your body needs time to catch up with what you're doing! Keep up the good work and the results will show!!!!
We can do this :)
And running in the spring weather is exactly what I'm dreaming of...when will that happen?????