Monday, September 17, 2007

Sometimes I hate Mondays.

I shouldn't complain... having Monday mornings off and all... but sometimes it's so hard to drag myself to work at noon when all I want to do is have the REST of the day at home! And by the time I get home (by 8:30 IF i come STRAIGHT home) I'm just exhausted... but that's better than not being tired and not getting a good night's sleep.

Today I got on the treadmill earlier than a typical Monday, just so I wouldn't have to feel rushed. I'm only doing 30min still... ends up being just over 4K that I do... but I think I'll stick to that for this week and make sure I'm okay off the drugs... and that my shins survive!

I ate a lot today... but I'm not losing sleep over it.

*3/4c shredded wheat n' bran (1)
*1/c skim milk (1)
*10 almonds (2)

2 grilled sandwiches: 4 pc ww bread (2), turkey breast (1), tomato slices (0), cheese slices (2). I cooked them on the foreman grill instead of the frying pan... they were good!
*sf pudding (1)

*pear (1)

Tuna Salad with - tuna (2), 30g light cheese (2), 1tbsp ff ranch (1), 1 tbsp ff miracle whip (0), tomato, red onion, green onion, red pepper, green pepper and cucumber (0)
*yogurt (1)
*100 cal oreos (2)

*100 cal doritos (2)

I was going to have a snack when I came home... except I'm NOT HUNGRY! So, I will just lie on the couch and watch THE HILLS and wait for 10:30 when I'll head to bed!

Tomorrow I'm going for a massage after work (we get covered for $500 a year through our insurance and I haven't used ANY of it yet... and I fully intend to by the end of the year!). yay!

1 comment:

Tara said...

ahhhhhhh, a massage sounds GREAT! I'm going to have to look into that :)
I used to hate evening shifts. It felt like I was just waiting around all day to go to work. Then I worked and came home at 11pm and had no life! I think 12-8 would be similar!
And I don't think it looks like you ate alot today?? Looks like you did very well. And your sandwiches sound yummy!
AND "only 30 min" is awesome...give yourself some credit, girl!!!!!!!!