Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Clean & Lean

It’s day #3 of eating clean.  I’m finally getting a chance to blog!

Life has been a little hectic the last few days between work and things to do after work.  I’m eating clean for the most part.  I’m starting each day with a smoothie.  Usually with 1/2 frozen banana, frozen cherries, protein powder, Greek yogurt, chia seeds, amazing grass & unsweetened almond breeze.  Sometimes with a splash of honey to sweeten it up.


I made tuna salad and had it over the last couple of days.  Not so clean when you add olive oil mayo and relish to it.  Baby steps.



Some Greek Liberte for snack… and some fruit




Ontario peaches with some cottage cheese under there…


Oops… maybe the Liberte Greek isn’t as great as I thought. It has some sugar in it!


Tonight’s dinner was lasagna… whole wheat noodles, chicken & veggies tomato sauce (veggies from Momma India’s own garden), ricotta and spinach cheese mixture.  Voila




I sprinkled a little nutritional yeast on the top too!


Pretty yummy


I have to meal plan for next week to keep it as clean as possible.  I know I’ll fall off the wagon a bit on weekends.  If last Friday’s dinner is any indication…


Frozen McCain


My sweet tooth was satisfied this week by mixing some natural PB with some honey and having pita chips with it.


I’ve now stocked up on unsweetened apple butter too… so unsweetened apple butter and natural peanut butter will be good for any upcoming cravings.

As for activity… I managed a 5K walk a couple of days ago and a bike ride first thing this morning.  I won’t be doing anything tomorrow morning or at lunch, so after work will be my only chance.  Good thing dinner for tomorrow is taken care of (leftovers!)

1 comment:

Sarahjmp said...

That peanut butter/honey and pita chips looks amazing! I will have to try that!