Sunday, November 08, 2009

So long, farewell dear weekend

Another fun weekend has come and gone. I am actually returning to work tomorrow. My only symptom left is a stuffed nose and a throat that’s only sore when I wake up.  So, joy of joys I get to go back to the office and listen to people complain all day long!  That always makes me feel better!

I’m happy to report the weekend was great (food wise that is!) It was great company and great food… and I behaved. I kicked off the weekend with a full 1hr jog on Saturday before heading to mom and dad’s.  The bad food of the weekend? 1 brownie yesterday and 1 today and 4 werther’s candies.  I had a low fat trifle instead of birthday cake… and chicken chili and a Chinese salad thing my mom and sister make that I love (nappa cabbage, toasted almonds, green onion… and some dried up noodles – not so healthy – and a vinegar/oil/seasoning dressing). Oh… I forgot today I had a piece of banana bread too.

Anyway, it was a great weekend and now I am retiring to bed (nice jog planned for the AM!). I leave you with some photos from the last few days

An egg sammieDSCN3421 DSCN3423 Apples w/ cinnamon

Cheese/apple bagelDSCN3424 DSCN3438 fruit platter

Chicken chiliDSCN3454

DSCN3457Chinese salad!

Happy Sunday!  Happier Monday!

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