Friday, October 05, 2007

New Week Resolutions

Christmas is approaching... only 81 mere days for me to reach my goal. This is going to be tough, but I'm not giving up. In all honesty, I have increased my goal by 5lbs... so it's a little more realistic now... and I WILL do this!

In order to help me, I have come up with a few resolutions for the week.

This week I resolve to:

1. Go on the treadmill for 1hr on Saturday, and 30min Tues and Wed. To make up for the activity I will be missing out on due to the long weekend and not having a treadmill out of town with me, I will go jumping on Stacey's big trampoline for at LEAST 20min on Saturday evening (and let me tell you - that is QUITE a workout! but it's fun, they have one of those huge trampolines with the netting around them and stuff).

2. Not only count all my points and measure every thing (which I have been doing), but also count calories by going back to using the FitDay website (which I had slacked on doing a couple of weeks ago).

3. Eat smart for Thanksgiving

4. Be able to hold a plank for an entire commercial (and working towards those killer plank things as demonstrated at Sister Skinny.

I was up and ready to go on the treadmill this morning but then I saw the emergency food drive for Breakfast Television was at the Longo's right around the corner from me and it appeared the parking lot was empty... So I gathered up 2 bags of groceries and personal care products and headed out (Chicklet in tow for the outing) to drop off the bags. I didn't meet any of the on-air personalities... they were busy... but I was glad I went and had decided it would feel better to donate groceries this morning and go on the treadmill extra-long tomorrow (hence the 1hr tomorrow).

I made the pumpkin angel food cakes last night... I made 24 at 1pt each - pretty tasty!!!

Time to get ready for work. TGIF!

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